Sweet N Spicy Roasted Nuts With Cumin & Cinnamon For A Birthday #SundaySupper

Sweet N Spicy Roasted Nuts With Cumin & Cinnamon For A Birthday #SundaySupper


Sweet N Spicy roasted spiced nuts spiked with cumin, brown sugar, cinnamon and paprika! This is for very special Sunday Supper!! Seriously I cannot believe that Sunday Supper is one year old! I remember being a part of the first Sunday supper. There were just 8 of us and now a year later the group has grown to about 150. I love my Sunday Supper team and am so glad that Isabel from Family Foodie started this group a year ago. Through the year I have been inspired by awesome foodie friends and have built relationships with several of them.  For this week’s birthday theme we are blogging a recipe that has been featured on a previous Sunday Supper post by a blogger who inspires us. Since almost everyone of the Sunday Supper Team inspire me so it was really hard to choose so I went with my stomach and picked a recipe by Connie Smith that I fell in love with the minute I saw it. Roasted spiced nuts ! Those who visit my blog know I have a serious obsession for nuts and spiced nuts are my absolute favorite. When I saw this easy to make recipe I knew I had to make it! Connie is an army wife who travels with world over and you must absolutely visit her blog for the nicest array of diverse recipes. Here is the original recipe !  I made a few modifications to the recipe. I wanted a more spicy taste so instead a pinch of cayenne, I added a teaspoon. I also added some cumin and paprika to it.  Since it was a spicier feel I was going for I used only 1/2 cup of cinnamon brown sugar. I coated it in egg white just as Connie suggested and the end result was a perfectly roasted spiced nut mix that tasted sweet N spicy! I used a mixed nut combo pack for this recipe which had pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts. I am so glad to have learned this fool proof technique for making roasted spiced nuts and will be experimenting with different flavors and nuts now.




Nutrition Wise!

Nuts are the perfect snack! They have a balanced combination of protein, healthy fat and complex carbohydrate. They are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. To read my post on all the nutritious benefits of nuts click here!


Sweet N Spicy Roasted Spiced Nuts

Serves 10 - 12
Dietary Diabetic, Gluten Free, Vegetarian
Meal type Appetizer, Snack, Starter
Misc Child Friendly, Freezable, Gourmet, Pre-preparable
By author Connie Smith


  • 4 Cups mixed nuts (I used walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, brazilnuts)
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 Tsp cayenne
  • 1 Tsp cumin
  • 1 Tsp paprika
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 Tsp water


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Coat a cookie sheet with cooking spray.
In a bowl, combine sugar, salt and spices.
In a mixing bowl whisk the egg whites and water together until they form stiff peaks. Fold the egg white into the nuts coating them thoroughly with the egg wash.
Pour in your sugar spice mixture and stir it all together until everything is coated.
Spread the mixture onto baking sheets. Try to get the nuts in a single layer.
Bake for a total of 30 minutes stirring nuts around every 10 minutes. Pour the nut mixture onto parchment paper or foil and let cool completely. As they cool, stir them around to prevent them from forming clumps.



Check out the fabulous recipes my Sunday Supper team has made this week for the special birthday celebration !

Sunday Supper Appetizers:

 Sunday Supper Soups and Breads:

 Sunday Supper Main Dishes: 

Sunday Supper Veggies: 

SundaySupper Desserts and Snacks: 

 Sunday Supper Breakfast Faves:

Sunday Supper Wine Pairings by ENOFYLZ Wine Blog 

Alos check out a  new addition:  Tablescape by An Appealing Plan, Anniversay Dinner featuring Cheesecake with Fresh Berries orginally posted by The Messy Baker Blog

Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter each Sunday. We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET and you do not want to miss out on the fun. Follow the#SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more fabulous recipes and food photos. This week is a special ” Happy Birthday” Sunday Supper chat !  Be sure to tune in !!!





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