White Chocolate Strawberry Ghosts #SundaySupper

White Chocolate Strawberry Ghosts #SundaySupper




Strawberries dipped in a  mix of white chocolate and coconut with just a hint of coconut oil are a ” melt in mouth” delish  treat ! When my sunday supper team decided to do a trick or treat theme I knew this was wanted to make. I saw this recipe for strawberry ghosts in the “Taste Of Home” website and loved it. I made some modifications to the recipe. I added coconut oil instead of shortening. I also added shredded coconut flakes which gave the strawberries a nice rough aged ghostly look.  Added bonus they tasted great. Turned white chocolate into gourmet white chocolate. I got my kids involved which was great. My 9 yr old decorated the faces and was so proud of her efforts I didn’t have the heart to display the ones I decorated 🙂 ! The best way to get the chocolate all smooth and to a dip consistency is to use a double boiler where the chocolate does not touch heat directly. I did not have a double boiler, so I made one. I put a shallow dish with water on the stove and heated it. I then put the chocolate in smaller dish and placed it in the pan with the boiling water. Worked great and I had my own double boiler. All in all, we had a great time making these treats and I hope you enjoy making them too !




Nutrition Wise !

One cup of strawberries contains over 13% of the RDA of dietary fiber which is so essential for so many things including keeping  digestion regular and curbing overeating  It is a low-calorie fruit bursting with Vitamin C . Coconut oil has healthy monounsaturated fats which do not stored by your body but get burnt as fuel for energy. Chocolate is just icing on anything you eat and when you add it to berries makes a decadent reasonably healthy dessert 🙂 !

Ingredients ! Some good stuff here ! 

 White Chocolate Goodness !!


White Chocolate Coconut Strawberry Ghosts


  • 1lb strawberries
  • 4oz white chocolate chips
  • 1oz dark chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons shredded coconut flakes


The coconut adds to the texture making it more ghost like . Added bonus, it tastes great too.


Wash and dry strawberries.
Melt white chocolate according to instructions or in a double boiler. Add coconut oil and stir till smooth. Add coconut flakes.
Dip strawberries in white chocolate coconut mix and place on a plate or waxed paper. Freeze for five minutes.
Remove from freezer, paint eyes and mouth with a toothpick. Allow to dry .


My Sunday Supper team has created a storm treat ! Check them out !! On the menu for our Trick-or-Treat #SundaySupper Halloween Party:

Bewitching Brews


Ghoulish Gruel:

Haunted Snacks:

Spooky Sweets:

Please be sure you join us on Twitter throughout the day, this Sunday (October 28th) during #SundaySupper.  We’ll be meeting up at 7:00 pm (Eastern) for our weekly #SundaySupper live chat where we’ll talk about all things Halloween.  All you have to do is follow the #SundaySupper hashtag, or you can follow us through TweetChat.

We’d also love to feature your favorite Halloween recipes on our #SundaySupper Pinterest board and share them with all of our followers, too.

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