Wild Raisin Nut Rice Pilaf With Olive Oil Butter & Sea Salt #SundaySupper

Wild Raisin Nut Rice Pilaf With Olive Oil Butter & Sea Salt #SundaySupper



My Sunday Supper team is testing out a great new product. LAND O LAKES® has come out with brand new butter infused with olive oil and sea salt.  What a combination !! The group’s theme this week is Simple and Fresh Summer Recipes . As a team we all received coupons to get  free butter and have all come up with foodie creations using the new LAND O LAKES® Butter with Olive Oil & Sea Salt .  I usually shy away from using too much butter, but a butter infused with olive oil …  ooh who can resist ? I made a buttery wild rice pilaf which tasted simply ‘ melt in mouth like butter’  delish! I call it “wild” because it’s a wild  blend of 4 kinds of raisins.  There’s golden, black, red and flame raisins ! This is the jumbo raisin medley pack from Trader Joe’s, but you can use any raisin mix you want. You can also use a  mix of raisins, dried cranberries or other dry fruit. I used cashew nuts, but any kind of nut is good. Be creative and use your favorite fruit nut combo. There’s butter all over this recipe, but it’s olive oil butter,  so eat up !! It’s super simple to make.  It’s super simple to make. Long grain basmati rice is cooked with a little cumin and butter. Wild raisins, nuts and onion are roasted to perfection in butter and mixed into the rice. The end result is a delicately flavored fruit nut rice pilaf that is simple and fresh enough to eat at a barbecue or elegant enough to serve at a banquet.  Hmmm.. Delish ! Thank you LAND O LAKES®  for creating such a delightful product !! I will be using it a lot 🙂


Ingredients ! Wholesome and Yummy !!



Wild Rasin Nut Rice Pilaf with Olive Oil Butter &Sea Salt

Rating: 51

Yield: 10- 12 servings

Serving Size: 1/2 cup

Use any blend of raisins or dry fruit and nuts for a delish Rice Pilaf which is 'melt in mouth like butter' delish ! Plenty of butter in this dish, but healthy olive oil infused butter, so eat up ! Super simple to make!


  • 2 cups basmati rice or any long grain rice
  • 1 and 1/2 cups raisins (raisin medley pack from traders joe's or make your own raisin mix )
  • 1 and 1/2 cup cashew nuts
  • 1 large onion
  • 4 half sticks of LAND O LAKES® Butter with Olive Oil & Sea Salt
  • 1 tsp cumin


  1. Slice onion in thin slices and saute in half stick butter for 10 minutes till golden brown..
  2. Saute raisins and nuts in half stick of butter for 2-3 minutes till roasted.
  3. Cook rice in 4 cups water with 2 half sticks of butter and cumin in a rice cooker or stove top for 20 - 25 minutes till cooked.
  4. Gently mix raisin, nut onion mix into rice and serve hot.

Hope you like this recipe ! I am so impressed with this product and want to share it with all of you.  I will be giving away one package of the Butter with Sea Salt & Olive Oil to one of you.  All you have to do is tell me about your favorite ‘Simple and Fresh Summer Recipe’  that uses butter and I will choose a winner at random and mail you a coupon for a free butter. Go ahead !!  I’m sure you have some awesome recipes 🙂


Land O’Lakes Twitter:  @LandOLakesKtchn
Land O’Lakes Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LandOLakes

The rest of my sunday supper team have created some delish recipes using LAND O LAKES® Butter with Olive Oil & Sea Salt  .Check out the recipes and visit them ALL !!

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